Repair Cafés on the rise across the diocese
Published on: 21st March 2025At Holy Trinity church in Hereford, a new Repair Café is taking church to the community and bringing new life into the building.
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At Holy Trinity church in Hereford, a new Repair Café is taking church to the community and bringing new life into the building.
Borderlands Rural Chaplain Rev'd Nick Read met HM The King on Monday at a reception at Buckingham Palace for the Royal Countryside Fund
As part of our Year of Engagement, we’ve been looking at the various ways in which Churches can connect and maintain consistent engagement with families throughout important church festivals. As we head through Lent towards Easter, one Hereford Church shares its story, showing how a mix of traditional worship with an engaging range of children's and family-friendly events is attracting those already involved as well as the wider local community.
As humans we all have a story to tell; a story that is unique to us and yet can often inspire others. In Wye Reaches benefice the churches are exploring how footprints help us to tell our stories to others and encourage one another in faith.
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Join the Support for Ukraine Project team, the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain and others for an evening of remembrance and prayer on the 3rd anniversary of the start of the war in Ukraine at St Peter’s church in Hereford, on Monday, 24th February at 7:30pm
The West Midlands Regional Racial Justice Board is pleased to announce the appointment of The Revd. Canon Douglas Machiridza and The Revd. Dr. Sarah Hayes as the new interim Co-Directors of the West Midlands Racial Justice Initiative.
As we start our Year of Engagement, we are featuring an event on Saturday, January 18th, celebrating Ukrainian culture and heritage which has been supported by our church community in Hereford.
As we start our Year of Engagement, we feature an ecumenical ministry in Ledbury that is engaging more fully in the community by sharing the load
Three Camels and the Magi (Kings) braved the snow and cold earlier today for the first of several Epiphany services at Hereford Cathedral.