
Bishop's Weekly Video Message hits double-century!

Published on: 15th May 2024

The Bishop issues his 200th weekly video message today

Bishop's Weekly Video - 200th edition

New Prebendaries Installed at Hereford Cathedral

Published on: 8th May 2024

The Bishop installed two new Prebendaries on Sunday

Installation of Prebendaries - 5th May 2024.jpg

The Bishop of Hereford makes his Maiden Speech to House of Lords

Published on: 22nd February 2024

The Rt Reverend Richard Jackson, Bishop of Hereford, delivered his Maiden Speech on 22nd February in a debate on aligning poverty reduction policy-making across Government. Bishop Richard spoke on rural poverty and its widescale impact on the communities of Hereford Diocese with particular reference to the mental health of the farming communities. 

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Bishop appointed to head royal ecclesiastical household

Published on: 20th November 2023

Bishop Richard has been appointed Clerk of the Closet to His Majesty King Charles, a role which will see him head up the Ecclesiastical Household, with oversight of the College of Chaplains and responsibility to introduce new diocesan bishops to the Sovereign.


Statement on recent flooding from Bishop Richard

Published on: 24th October 2023

In the wake of storm Babet, we have once again seen the devastating impact of extreme weather on homes and businesses in our diocese.  My prayers are with all those who have been affected. 

Bishop of Hereford launches clothing campaign to support those seeking asylum.

Published on: 15th June 2023

As part of Refugee Week 2023, The Diocese of Hereford has partnered with Mothers' Union Hereford to launch a clothing appeal, asking people to donate towards buying new clothes for those seeking asylum who are currently being hosted in the county.

Bishop Richard confirmed as a Bishop Assistant to Her Majesty for The Coronation

Published on: 3rd May 2023

Earlier today, Lambeth Palace issued a Press Notice confirming the Bishops who will play a role in the Coronation Service at Westminster Abbey, this includes our own Bishop of Hereford, The Rt Revd Richard Jackson. 

Bishop of Hereford's Sermon - Easter Sunday 2023

Published on: 8th April 2023

“While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message.” The resurrection means that God’s life: eternal life comes to those who repent and believe in the power of the Holy Spirit.  That could be you today.

Bishop of Hereford's Sermon - Chrism Mass Sermon 2023

Published on: 5th April 2023

People project a lot of their own stuff onto you. A vicar told me a few days ago of their wife visiting the doctor’s surgery only to overhear a conversation amongst two others in the seats behind, complaining about the number of people in church post-COVID and blaming the vicar for it. 

Bishop Richard's letter to The Hereford Times on asylum seekers in Hereford

Published on: 7th March 2023

The Bishop of Hereford, the Rt Revd Richard has shared an open letter to The Hereford Times voicing his support for asylum seekers.

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