
In Abbeydore Deanery, young people are encountering the Word of God outdoors

Published on: 4th July 2024

God and the young people are showing the way in this corner of the diocese, and they’re finding each other outdoors


What does ‘Growing the church younger’ look like in our diocese?

Published on: 27th June 2024

A youth project in South Shropshire shows the spirit at work


Anna Chaplains - bringing spiritual support to older people in the community

Published on: 24th June 2024

One of our Anna Chaplains talks to us about her ministry with older people


Appointments and Departures Q1-2 2024

Published on: 30th April 2024

News from Hereford Diocese of the latest appointments and departures: Jan - Jun 2024

Growing local ministry: four new Local Pastoral Visitors commissioned

Published on: 2nd May 2023

Last Sunday, Four Local Pastoral Visitors were commissioned at St John’s, Ludlow, to serve with Revds Melia Cope and Richard Hill as part of the pastoral care team for the benefice. They are the first group of Local Pastoral Visitors to be commissioned in this new role in the diocese, but their service is rooted in the longstanding pastoral care which has been offered by laypeople in the benefice.

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