Funding Mission & Growth

Boy stood ontop of cairn with his back to the camera wearing blue rucksack with white arrow

Strategic Mission Fund

Bishop’s Council approved the launch of historic assets to create a  Strategic Mission Fund to support the work of churches and communities across the diocese. 

The strategic project management board receives all applications which are considered on merit.  The documentation must show evidence of how they meet the five key priorities of our diocesan vision. We are keen to support projects which are innovative and collaborative.  Applicants are therefore encouraged to research what others are doing locally, regionally and nationally, and to explore the potential for partnering with other churches or community groups, before submitting an application.  An application must demonstrate how it addresses previous learning from our intergenerational project.

Strategic Mission Fund is to support the delivery of the Diocesan Strategy for Mission and Growth. Any projects applying for strategic mission funding must be mission focused and provide evidence of how they link to our five diocesan key priorities.

Key priorities diagram

The application process

Strategic Mission Funding involves a two-stage application process: an initial first stage to describe what is being proposed and the extent to which it is consistent with the Diocese’s wider strategy. The second stage requires that more detail be provided, including a project plan, risk register and financial plan, which all help to give confidence to all parties that the proposal will be effectively implemented.

Before applying

Before applying for Strategic Mission Funding, the applicant must contact the Diocesan Programme Manager and/or the relevant Archdeacon to outline the nature of the project for which they are applying for funding. 

Please get in touch with the diocesan programme manager David Morris.

As well as the Stage 1 application form being completed, all projects requesting over £50k of TRF must provide evidence that they have addressed or considered the checklist of actions from the Key Learnings document.

Decision making

In order to approve Strategic Mission Fund funding for a project, the Bishop’s Council must be confident of the following:

  1. The project is well considered;
  2. Sufficient capacity will be put in place to manage and oversee it. Particular attention should be paid to the management/administration of a project at the application stage to ensure there is adequate support for clergy;
  3. A clear strategy for measuring and assessing the outcomes;
  4. Effective delivery of the outcomes set out in the plan within time and budget;
  5. The project will lead to a sustained impact in the future.

What to expect if you're awarded funding

All projects that successfully apply for funding must submit monitoring and progress reports to each Strategic Project Management Board meeting and annually to the Trustees. This must consider how communication will work during the project's lifetime.

The Programme Manager in conjunction with the Strategic Project Management Board, will also determine formal review points for each project, at which time Bishop’s Council reserve the right to amend or discontinue projects where it can be demonstrated that outcomes anticipated prior to commencement of the project have not been, or are unlikely to be, delivered.


Application form for Strategic Mission Fund (.doc)

Guidance notes to support a Strategic Mission Fund application (.doc)


Mustard Seed Fund

A fund is available to those seeking between £1k- £8K over a maximum of three years and is aimed at assisting a Parish or Benefice in delivering a specific missional event or to pump prime a missional idea.

Mustard Seed Fund_thumbnail image
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