As humans we all have a story to tell; a story that is unique to us and yet can often inspire others. Our faith stories are powerful, and meant to be shared. There are numerous references throughout the Bible to the impact that this has on inspiring individual and large numbers of Christian believers. From the story of the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:28-30; where she tells others about her encounter with Jesus, which leads them to seek him out as well to the story of the man possessed by demons who was healed by Jesus and returned home to proclaim what God had done for him. There are also much quieter stories of the Mothers in the Bible who inspire and pass on their faith, helping to keep the church alive.
As part of our Year of Engagement we are encouraging people to think and share faith with others, this might be explaining why we help at the local foodbank or respond to needs in our community, it might be to share why we pray and how that helps us. In doing this, it might just inspire others to consider following in the footsteps of Jesus and learning more.
Following in the footsteps of Jesus is a metaphor that inspired the display of shoes during our launch service at the Cathedral in January. One of our Rural Deans’, Shelia Anthony, encouraged parishes in Ross and Archenfield Deanery in the south of the diocese to look at appropriately replicating similar displays in churches across the deanery as a way of telling personal stories and also the story of Jesus. In the Wye Reaches Benefice, churchwarden Sue Morris was inspired to consider the stories that a single pair of shoes carries. She has built a display at St Dubricius Church to offer encouragement to others. The table is a testament to the unique spiritual journey of the owners of the shoes. The ordinary everyday shoes, which have walked paths of doubt, hope, struggle, and triumph are displayed alongside written everyday stories of faith of their owners. They describe what their faith means to them and how it has shaped their lives.
From a pair of pink moccasins to a pair of plain flat sandals, the footwear tells the stories of pilgrimage, both literal and spiritual. Sue explains: "Our stories are bridges—connecting our personal experiences with the universal message of hope and love. I really hope that people will be encouraged to think about what difference their faith story has and to share it with someone."
“As part of the display, we have left an invitation to pray or for people to take a moment to stop and consider their own journey. “
Revd Tim, adds; “the display have encouraged some inspiring and exciting ideas, which are getting underway. This includes a display of paper footprints in some of our tourist churches, where we’re thinking about leaving space for visitors to tell us who they are, where they come from and to leave a prayer request.”
If you’re looking for ways to explore how to engage with your wider community there are courses and resources available to support churches on our Year of Engagement page.
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