As part of our Year of Engagement we’ve been looking at the various ways in which Churches can connect and maintain consistent engagement with families throughout important church festivals. As we head through Lent towards Easter, one Hereford Church shares their story, showing how a mix of traditional worship with an engaging range of children and family friendly events is attracting those already involved as well as the wider local community.
Jane Tate, Children and Families worker at Holmer Parish Church in Hereford explains: "On Ash Wednesday we talked about Lent as a time for reflection and prayer, we burned last year's palm crosses and made ash whilst we prayed about things we were sorry for. Then we made a cross of ash on each other and we thought about how God created the world, how God created us, and how Jesus died for us."
This hands-on, participatory approach transforms what could be an abstract concept into an experience that helps children to engage with the spiritual meaning of Ash Wednesday and involves them in preparations.
Rather than viewing Lent as a series of disconnected services, Holmer is building towards the full Easter story that unfolds week by week through Lent to the culmination of the wonder of the resurrection. Each service and activity gathers people and builds upon previous themes while introducing new elements of the story. This helps to build anticipation and that there’s more to come.
"We have talked about Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem before we get to Palm Sunday so the children know there’s a next chapter. We used the points and centre of our palm cross to pray for the world, our community, our church, people in need and ourselves," Jane notes. "We looked at a real palm branch and, of course, there was a game: pin the tail on the donkey!"
This approach balances spiritual content with age-appropriate activities that keep children engaged. By incorporating games alongside prayer and teaching, Holmer Church is creating an environment where learning feels natural and enjoyable.
Recognising that families seek both spiritual growth and social connection, community events are also key to the programme. “We held a Beetle Drive and Pancake evening to celebrate Shrove Tuesday but held it on a Friday evening to try and make it an event that everyone could join", shares Jane. This intergenerational gathering provided an opportunity for families to connect with the broader church community in a relaxed setting. “We made sure that we invited everyone to the next thing so they know that there’s something to join, even if they don’t want to come to the next church service.”
Lizzie Hackney, intergenerational lead for Hereford Diocese, adds: “It’s so important that we make experiences relevant for all ages and that we keep inviting people to come and join in. It’s simple really, with a bit of planning and added joy in the celebration. Even if the event or service means that only one or two new people turn up, word of mouth will spread. People keep coming to church because they like the people, feel connected to the community, and in time feel supported to explore spiritual connections.”
As Lent moves towards Holy Week and Easter, Holmer Church plans to offer further events that are accessible and meaningful for families. "We are holding a Good Friday Activities morning, making crafts to celebrate Easter and a short service in the church for around 60 children," Jane explains. This approach recognises that children may engage more deeply with the Easter story through creative activities rather than traditional services alone.
The church's Easter Sunday celebration extends beyond their building to meet families where they are. "We are also holding an Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday at the playground of our local housing estate. There will be chocolate egg prizes, Easter booklets, refreshments and face painting for all the family."
“The principles at the heart of Holmer’s approach are what’s important” adds Lizzie, she offers six easy steps for churches to consider:
- Make abstract concepts like Ash Wednesday a hands-on experience which includes activities and visual aids
- Balance spiritual content with age-appropriate fun to maintain engagement
- Use the whole of the Easter story to build anticipation throughout the season
- Offer community-building events alongside worship services
- Meet families where they are by hosting events in community spaces rather than expecting people to come into the church building
- Provide resources that families can take home to continue conversations and make sure you invite them to the next thing
Using this model mixes tradition while meeting the needs of modern families and demonstrates that with a bit of creativity, churches can create meaningful experiences that are both deep and joyful.
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