School Celebrates OfSTED report

St Peter's Church Hereford

St Thomas Cantilupe CE Primary School has today received the formal OfSTED report in which it has been judged ‘good’ in all areas, following an inspection in May.

Eve Morris HMI for OFSTED wrote: "Pupils feel safe and happy at St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Academy. A strong sense of community fills the school."

This is a real moment of celebration for headteacher Claire McKeown, as well as staff, parents and pupils at the school.

The school was previously inspected in December 2018 and placed into special measures. This visit was the school’s first monitoring inspection since then and to advance two grades to ‘good’ is an exceptional achievement.


To read the full story - visit the school website: St Thomas Cantilupe


Published on: 17th June 2021
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