Revd Jane Plackett-Ferguson to take up the role of Chaplain to Bishop Richard

Female vicar, hair ties in low pony tail with garden background

Revd Jane Plackett-Ferguson to take up the role of Chaplain to The Bishop of Hereford


Bishop Richard is delighted to confirm the appointment of The Revd Jane Plackett-Ferguson as his next Chaplain.  She will be joining the team in Spring 2025.


“I am delighted to accept this role to help care for the extraordinary clergy of this diocese and am particularly thrilled to be joining during this year where we look at what it means to be engaged in our communities . I look forward to supporting Bishop Richard in his ministry, as he leads the people in Hereford and South Shropshire.”


Jane was ordained in the Diocese of Derby in 2015. Originally from Cornwall, Jane shares how she came to faith “I remember it quite clearly, it was in a 6pm renewal of baptismal vows service – it was nothing big or flashy and I was simply a regular in my small Cornish congregation.  I believe this foundation gives me a deep understanding that faith can be nurtured in the rural as much as in the busyness of larger towns and cities.” Prior to ordination Jane worked as a Conference Coordinator for Soul Survivor.  She served her Curacy as a pioneer minister in Derwent, Derby, where she was on a pioneer placement at the same time as serving seven rural Derbyshire parishes. She was joined in 2017 by her new husband Alexander.


From Derby, Jane and Alexander moved to Houston, Texas, USA in the summer of 2019. Jane served as an Associate Priest with a particular focus on Student and Family ministries at a large Episcopal church, growing a new contemporary congregation, and expanding the offerings to young families and teenagers.  She and Alexander have returned to the UK to raise their young family.


Bishop Richard adds: “I look forward to working with Jane when I return from sabbatical in April.  The role of Chaplain is often less known as ministry goes on behind-the-scenes but it is none-the-less essential support.  Jane brings a wealth of experience and a heart for mission.” 


As The Bishop’s Chaplain, Jane has responsibility for running the bishop’s office, working alongside Ros Kirkwood and Gail James, and the wider team in the Diocesan Office. It includes a wide variety of aspects including legal, liturgical, pastoral and spiritual support.


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Published on: 21st March 2025
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