Parish with vacancy finds simple ways to kindle faith and fellowship

During the summer of 2023, during a parish vacancy, Trish MacCurrach, a Local Worship Leader in the Kington with Huntington, Old Radnor, Kinnerton, and Titley benefice invited her new neighbours, a young couple, to supper and asked them a simple question: “If we had a bible study would you like to come?” They didn’t even look at each other before saying yes.

Trish planned the dates and the material around the couple’s busy work lives. Together, they agreed to invite a few others, who also said yes without hesitation, and before long there were nine people meeting weekly, studying Tom Wright’s Mark for Everyone. The meetings usually end with tea and cakes, but there has been a “bring your favourite worship song and tell us what it means to you” evening, and a post-Christmas supper sharing what Christmas had meant to the group. Recently they have added guest speakers who bring new teaching and topics. Word is spreading in the community. Next on the agenda might be an Alpha Course, with the hope that the group’s five “starters” might themselves become inviters and leaders of new groups.

Says Trish “The sense of commitment to the Lord is growing; one person who has been hurt and disappointed is so grateful to have been included. Another has “invited Jesus into her life as her mentor” and has had a wonderful experience of grace. The Lord is at work! Perhaps due to a commitment to prayer, we are seeing God stepping in and making things happen. If there’s a pattern, it’s this: Pray and make friends, Invite, Include/disciple, Include/equip, all with a big dose of love.”

For support or further information, email Mark Melluish, Diocesan Mission Enabler 

Published on: 1st March 2024
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