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Parish Newsletter

This section contains articles from senior members of clergy for parish magazines.

Parish Magazine Article - June 2021

This is the first time I've written one of these articles since I moved to south Shropshire and was collated as Archdeacon of Ludlow at the end of April.

Parish Magazine Article - May 2021

Pentecost or more traditionally Whitsun is I think the Cinderella of Christian festivals, it has never really had the impact of Christmas and Easter.

Parish Newsletter

This section contains Newsletter Articles for Parishes.

Parish Magazine Article - April 2021

I've lost count of the number of times people have said to me, everything happens for a reason.

Parish Magazine Article - November 2020

I write this as the view from my window is looking very autumnal. The leaves are turning and the nights are drawing in, the warmth of summer is slowly ebbing away. This time of year marks a change in the churches year as we move away from Easter and Pentecost and begin to prepare for Advent.

Parish Magazine Article - September 2020

I hope that as you read this you will have had a good summer. For the last few months I have spent a lot of time indoors! However, I'm delighted that as lockdown restrictions have eased a bit I shall be hitting the road around the Diocese

Parish Magazine Article - October 2020

Hereford Cathedral has seen great upheavals during its 1300 year history. In 1055, when the Welsh invaded Hereford, the cathedral was sacked and burned and the cathedral clergy killed. Later, in 1349, Hereford City was gravely hit by the Black Death and here and across the diocese, over one quarter of all clergy died of the plague.

Parish Magazine Article - August 2020

It is said we are shaped by our culture. If that is true, then one of the strongest leadership motifs is that of the hero leader. In film we have James Bond, Indiana Jones and Princess Leia; in television we have Doctor Who, Buffy and Danger Mouse: we are surrounded by heroes. (I'm a big action film and sci-fi fan)

Parish Magazine Article - July 2020

I've lost count of the number of times politicians have told bishops to keep their noses out of politics. We are meant to be concerned about spiritual matters, but we should leave the business of government and politics to trained professionals. I'm not sure what they would have said to Jesus.

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