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Parish Newsletter

This section contains articles from senior members of clergy for parish magazines.

Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - November 2022

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre

Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - October 2022

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre

Parish Magazine Article - October 2022

In our rural Diocese harvest is and can be a very important time for our communities.  When I was in rural Mid Devon Harvest activities began in the middle of August and ran all the way through to the end of October.  It was often a real village celebration with Harvest suppers, church services and sporting challenges.  I will never forget the Bishop of Exeter taking part in the sack race!

Parish Magazine Article - September 2022

As we watch without much edification the final weeks of the contest for the leadership of the Conservative Party and observe the confrontational nature of the discourse it strikes me that this is a violent way to choose a leader. As I watch the playing out of events at Lambeth and in Ukraine and as I follow online commentary and dispute on all manner of things from The Commonwealth Games to the Women’s football team and the latest garment espoused by the latest celebrity it strikes me that verbal violence is endemic.

Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - September 2022

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre

Parish Magazine Article - August 2022

By the time you read this, I hope we will have a family of five staying with us – visas permitting! We have been greatly helped by a support hub organised by the team at St. Peters in Hereford.

Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - August 2022

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre

Parish Magazine Article - July 2022

Every ten years or so, the Primates of the Anglican Communion meet to pray, share wisdom, and discern together how God is leading the church in the world.

Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - June 2022

parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre

Parish Magazine Article - June 2022

As I write this we are preparing to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee. Whatever your view about having a hereditary monarch from a historical point of view most of us alive today will not see such a long serving monarch again in our lifetime.

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