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Parish Newsletter

This section contains articles from senior members of clergy for parish magazines.

Parish Magazine Article - February 2024

Lent gives us an opportunity to realign our lives with God’s values, it gives us a prolonged and focussed time to reflect and pray and to read the bible and deepen our faith. The 40-day period is time enough to build in new habits and actions into our lives, which will have a lasting effect.

Archdeacon Derek Chedzey Cathedral Thin banner

Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - February 2024

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - A Parliament of Rooks


Parish Magazine Article - January 2024

We humans are a grumbly glorious bunch who spend a lot of time and energy wanting what we don’t have and forgetting to be actively grateful for what we do have. Not one of us will keep all the possessions that we have now or all the people that we love now or the health, hair or dress-size that we have now!

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Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - January 2024

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - Winter Moths  


Parish Magazine Article - December 2023

We are coming to the end of our year of prayer in the diocese and moving to the year of faith. As we begin that journey together, Mary’s, “yes, now what is the question?” is a good place to start. 

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Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - December 2023

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - Holly

Gods Acre - HOLLY

Parish Magazine Article - November 2023

Each year, the Royal British Legion’s Remembrance Festival focuses on a different aspect of honouring those who have served the Crown and country in the armed forces. This year the theme is Service, not just of those deployed on active service, but the unseen service of those who love them.

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Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - November 2023

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - Bountiful Berries

God's Acre Article November 2023

Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - October 2023

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - Spying on your secret visitors!


Parish Magazine Article - October 2023

It is harvest time again. And I would wager a considerable sum that most of you do not at this point start singing songs of everlasting thanks and praise to our great God for his generous provision, or blessing the farmers for the work they do to put food on our plates!

Dean Sarah Brown Thumbnail Image (640 × 420px) Garden.png
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