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Parish Newsletter

This section contains articles from senior members of clergy for parish magazines.

Parish Magazine Article - May 2024

The events of the Christ’s death and resurrection are the turning point of history. It is a world-shattering event that means life can never be the same again.  The book of Acts tells us how the disciples’ lives were turned upside down by it.

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Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - May 2024

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - Seeking Slowworms


Parish News - April 2024 - Printable Newsletter

A downloadable and print-friendly newsletter to insert in parish magazines


Parish Magazine Article - April 2024

Communication seems to be hard-wired into us as human beings. That shouldn’t surprise us, because our God is a God who communicates.

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Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - April 2024

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - Wild Daffodils


Parish Magazine Article - March 2024

Most of March will be the season of Lent, when we Christians have traditionally given up things that give us pleasure to focus on our spiritual journey. As our world has changed it seems increasingly anachronistic.  Our culture screams at us from the lifestyle sections that the way to real fulfilment is getting what you really desire.

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Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - March 2024

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - The Storm Cock sings in March

Gods Acre_March 2024_Mistle thrushes

Parish Magazine Article - February 2024

Lent gives us an opportunity to realign our lives with God’s values, it gives us a prolonged and focussed time to reflect and pray and to read the bible and deepen our faith. The 40-day period is time enough to build in new habits and actions into our lives, which will have a lasting effect.

Archdeacon Derek Chedzey Cathedral Thin banner

Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - February 2024

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - A Parliament of Rooks


Parish Magazine Article - January 2024

We humans are a grumbly glorious bunch who spend a lot of time and energy wanting what we don’t have and forgetting to be actively grateful for what we do have. Not one of us will keep all the possessions that we have now or all the people that we love now or the health, hair or dress-size that we have now!

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