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Parish Newsletter

Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - August 2024

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - Goodbye to the Swifts


Parish News - July 2024 - Printable Newsletter

A downloadable and print-friendly newsletter to insert in parish magazines

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Parish Magazine Article - July 2024

Scripture tells us to pray for our leaders and respect those in authority. Deriding them on Facebook is wrong. Pray for their wisdom and that their hearts may be right and perhaps they will see the light and abandon the white socks manifesto.

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Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - July 2024

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - Here Be Dragons!


Parish News - June 2024 - Printable Newsletter

A downloadable and print-friendly newsletter to insert in parish magazines

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Parish Magazine Article - June 2024

Acedia, according to the early theologians I’ve been reading and engaging with, is a toxic combination that occurs when desire and anger become disordered. It makes us either withdraw into inactivity or hide in restless over-activity, in an effort to avoid engaging with God, or with fellow human beings, or with the tasks God has given us to do.

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Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - June 2024

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - Solitary Bees


Parish News - May 2024 - Printable Newsletter

A downloadable and print-friendly newsletter to insert in parish magazines


Parish Magazine Article - May 2024

The events of the Christ’s death and resurrection are the turning point of history. It is a world-shattering event that means life can never be the same again.  The book of Acts tells us how the disciples’ lives were turned upside down by it.

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Parish Magazine God's Acre Content - May 2024

Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - Seeking Slowworms

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