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This section contains articles from senior members of clergy for parish magazines.

Parish Magazine Article - April 2022

I feel little choice but to write about the situation in Ukraine. I'm hesitant because writing this piece several weeks in advance means that it is likely to be out of date. As I write, the news is emerging of an airstrike on a children's hospital in Mariopal.

Parish Magazine Article - March 2022

No sooner are the Christmas decorations down on Twelfth Night (or Candlemas, depending on your practice) than the Easter Eggs start appearing in the shops one of our modern signs of spring!

Parish Magazine Article - January 2022

A late entry for January parish magazine, The Dean of Hereford calls us to take up our Bibles and join her in a challenge to read The Bible in one year!

Parish Magazine Article - February 2022

By the time most people read this, Blue Monday will be a distant memory, but as I talk to people after two years of the COVID pandemic, there is a level of uncertainty and anxiety, which fuels a sense that our world is out of control.

Parish Magazine Article - December 2021

The humble familiarity of the Christmas story reminds us that we can know God. The good news is that knowledge can be transformative as we enter into a relationship with him. I

Parish Magazine Article - November 2021

November can be a strange time of year with Autumn coming towards its end and the weather turning colder as winter rushes towards us.

Parish Magazine Article - October 2021

Last month marked the events of September 11 – it feels unbelievable that 20 years have passed since this major world event happened.

Parish Magazine Article -September 2021

September is often the month when refreshed by our summer holidays, we hit the ground running.

Parish Magazine Article - August 2021

I have learned in the Christian life to be prepared for surprises.

Parish Magazine Article - July 2021

As you read this the Wimbledon tennis tournament will be well underway, albeit with reduced seating capacity

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