Let's sow some seeds - Diocese opens total return very small projects tranformation fund for new misisonal ideas

As part of our ongoing commitment to seeing God's Kingdom grow across our diocese, a new small funding stream has been released by the Diocesan Board of Finance.  The aim of the transformation fund is to support small projects with seed funding.  "Money is frequently the barrier to turning missional inspiration into a new project, particularly when people are feeling the squeeze financially,"  explains David Morris, Programme Manager.

"The Total Return Very Small Projects Fund (TRVSP) is aimed at helping parishes, benefices and deaneries to try out new ways of reaching people with the Good News of Jesus and there are no limits!"

Since launching the fund in May, the diocese, strategic project management board has awarded £8k to four projects. They hope to see many more churches coming forward with ideas. Each application can ask for between £1-8k.

For more information about how to apply, please email David Morris, Programme Manager at Hereford Diocese. 

Published on: 13th June 2022
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