Growing local ministry: four new Local Pastoral Visitors commissioned

Local Pastoral Visitors in Ludlow with Revd Kelvin Price

Pictured (L-R) are: Revd Melia Cope; Local Pastoral Visitor Sasha Griffiths and Patricia Helm; Revd Kelvin Price; Local Pastoral Visitor and team co-ordinator Sue Thomas; Revd Richard Hill.

Last Sunday, Four Local Pastoral Visitors were commissioned at St John’s, Ludlow, to serve with Revds Melia Cope and Richard Hill as part of the pastoral care team for the benefice.

The men and women came from benefices across Ludlow. They are the first group of Local Pastoral Visitors to be commissioned in this role in the diocese, but their service is rooted in the longstanding pastoral care which has been offered by laypeople in the benefice.  

The role of Pastoral Visitor involves helping with pastoral care in their local congregation and community under the authority of the Incumbent and in this case as part of a pastoral care team. Their ministry is shaped by their gifts; availability and local needs.  Typically a pastoral visitor might visit people at home or in hospital, follow up baptisms or funerals, visit newcomers, work with young families or elderly people or visit the local school.

Elizabeth said: “It was such a pleasure to see Sue, Sasha, Pat and Lucy commissioned as Local Pastoral Visitors with wonderful support from the local church. I pray that they will continue to be a blessing to others as they serve God in this important role as part of the team at Ludlow.”

To learn more about the opportunities in local ministry, please visit our webpage or email Elizabeth Wild for further details.


Published on: 2nd May 2023
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