
Celebrating International Women's Day 2023

Published on: 8th March 2023

To mark this day, we asked a number of female colleagues and a male colleague and ally to reflect on a woman of their choice from the Bible who inspires them in their faith and ministry.

Bishop Richard's letter to The Hereford Times on asylum seekers in Hereford

Published on: 7th March 2023

The Bishop of Hereford, the Rt Revd Richard has shared an open letter to The Hereford Times voicing his support for asylum seekers.

Pop-up Café brings community together

Published on: 6th March 2023

A rural church in Bodenham is offering local people a space to meet and chat every month.

Exploring the creative expression of faith through Art

Published on: 28th February 2023

Faith in art is a long-held tradition in the church with man of the world’s greatest works of art depicting Biblical characters or interpreting passages of the Bible. A group in Hereford have formed to explore faith through art.

Appointments and Departures Q1 2023

Published on: 28th February 2023

News from Hereford Diocese of the latest appointments and departures - Jan - Mar 2023

Hereford General Synod members update February 2023

Published on: 9th February 2023

As the historic February 2023 General Synod meeting draws to a close in London, elected General Synod members from Hereford return to the diocese united in their commitment to continue the conversation and process around Living in Love and Faith.

The Light shines northward as the Year of Prayer inspires Telford Deanery Team

Published on: 6th February 2023

Churches representing Christians from across 7 parishes in south Shropshire came together last weekend in a special Prayer service to mark the start of our Year of Prayer across the diocese.

Katie Smith welcomed as Chaplain with the Deaf community

Published on: 19th January 2023

Congratulations to Katie Smith who was licensed today as Chaplain with the Deaf community in the Diocese of Hereford last weekend.

Bishop Richard: statement on Living in Love and Faith

Published on: 18th January 2023

I write to you as brothers and sisters in Christ, bound by our shared faith on the proposals and statements issued today following the Bishops’ discernment that followed the Living in Love and Faith consultation.

Extraordinary outdoor nativity attracts several 100 families

Published on: 22nd December 2022

Nearly 300 children and parents attended the ‘St Dubricius stable’ and witnessed a full ensemble of nativity characters. 

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