Appointments and Departures Q1 2023
Published on: 28th February 2023News from Hereford Diocese of the latest appointments and departures - Jan - Mar 2023
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News from Hereford Diocese of the latest appointments and departures - Jan - Mar 2023
As the historic February 2023 General Synod meeting draws to a close in London, elected General Synod members from Hereford return to the diocese united in their commitment to continue the conversation and process around Living in Love and Faith.
Churches representing Christians from across 7 parishes in south Shropshire came together last weekend in a special Prayer service to mark the start of our Year of Prayer across the diocese.
Congratulations to Katie Smith who was licensed today as Chaplain with the Deaf community in the Diocese of Hereford last weekend.
I write to you as brothers and sisters in Christ, bound by our shared faith on the proposals and statements issued today following the Bishops’ discernment that followed the Living in Love and Faith consultation.
Nearly 300 children and parents attended the ‘St Dubricius stable’ and witnessed a full ensemble of nativity characters.
The Hub community development project located in St Peter’s Church in Peterchurch, Hereford has joined forces with the Chatty Cafe Scheme, bringing a weekly event to this rural area that helps anyone who wants a good old fashioned chat and a hot lunch.
The annual Christmas carol sing-a-long in High Town, Hereford took place last Wednesday evening. The celebration this year included a group of Keralan Christians who have moved to the city and shared traditional Malayalam songs.
A newly-formed children's choir at St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England School in Hereford has enjoyed another milestone celebration this Christmas with Choir Church. They were supported by the ministry team at West Hereford and have spent the past term exploring themes of light and dark as well as learning traditional choral music.
This year’s Church of England Christmas film follows one person through life’s journey – with a powerful invitation to everyone to come together to celebrate the birth of Jesus.