This section contains transcripts from the Bishop of Hereford's video messages.
Bishop of Hereford's Message
Archdeacon Derek's Weekly video Message - Transcript 27/08/2020
Growing up I had a real soft spot for the work of Gerry & Sylvia Anderson. Even if you don’t know their names you will recognise their credits: Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlett, Fireball XL5, UFO and Stingray to name just a few!
Weekly Video Message - Transcript 20/08/2020
Hereford Cathedral has seen great upheavals during its 1300 year history. In 1055, when the Welsh invaded Hereford, the cathedral was sacked and burned and the cathedral clergy killed. Later, in 1349, Hereford City was gravely hit by the Black Death and here and across the diocese, over one quarter of all clergy died of the plague.
Weekly Video Message - Transcript 13/08/2020
During Lockdown many people have spent a good deal more time than they would normally in their gardens, and quite a few have tried their hand at growing their own vegetables for the first time. I’ve been very struck by the many people have told me how important and helpful their gardens have been during this difficult time.
Simon Cawdell's Weekly Video Message - Transcript 06/08/2020
I have brought you today up to High Rock overlooking Bridgnorth. It’s a dramatic place above the river which gives a unique view of the town. It’s a place I have come to pray from time to time sometimes alone, sometimes with others. There is a bit of a hike to get here, but the view is one of my favourites.
Bishop Richard's Weekly video Message - Transcript 16/07/2020
Hello everyone and welcome to this weeks video, I hope you’ve had a good week. One of the many misunderstandings people have about the Bible is that its just a set of propositions and rules. Close examination reveals it a library of books of different literary styles.
Bishop Richard's Weekly video Message - Transcript 09/07/2020
Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s video. At the moment the river Wye behind me is flowing fairly gently. Just a few months ago I would have been 20’ underwater. The river back then was quite scary, uprooting substantial trees and spreading them downstream. Even now there are hidden currents powerfully at work under the surface where you need to take great care.
Bishop Richard's Weekly video Message - Transcript 02/07/2020
Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s video. I’m sure many of us will have reacted with joy to the news that public worship under quite severe restrictions can begin again from July 5th.
Bishop Richard's Weekly video Message - Transcript 25/06/2020
Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s video, and thank you for your feedback -positive and negative on last weeks. Communities develop their own corporate personalities.