Bishop Richard's Christmas video Message - Transcript 22/12/2022
In the last video of the year, Bishop Richard talks about as we have received the blessing of Christ’s presence this Christmas, may we be so blessed to be a blessing.
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In the last video of the year, Bishop Richard talks about as we have received the blessing of Christ’s presence this Christmas, may we be so blessed to be a blessing.
In this week’s video Bishop Richard talks about what extraordinary good news the Gospel of Jesus is.
In this week’s video Bishop Richard talks the great truths of Christ’s incarnation, life, resurrection and future glory will stand such scrutiny .
In this week’s video Bishop Richard talks about the season of Advent, when as Christians we particularly focus on hope.
In this week’s video, Bishop Richard invites us to reflect on the difference between anger and righteous indignation as a motive for holy action.
In this week’s video, Bishop Richard talks about discerning what obedient submission looks like as a corporate activity as we gather around God’s word together.
In this week’s video Bishop Richard talks about our Christian understanding of faith in Christ as a supernaturally endowed gift that is unique
In this week’s video, Bishop Richard talks about prayer
This week Bishop Richard talks about how a long period of discernment before decisions were made worked in the formation of the early church. He asks us if there's a lesson we can learn today about how we lead the Church in the 2020s?
Bishop Richard talks to us about grief and where we find our hope as Christians. Eternal life is the truth and the life. It is an offer made to all who choose to follow Jesus.