Guidance for CE Schools in the Diocese of Hereford
Any school considering academisation must contact the Diocesan Education Team to discuss the process before proceeding with any formal applications.
For any school to academise the Hereford Diocesan Board of Education (HDBE) must first provide consent, ensuring that the school is adhering to the agreed HDBE Strategy and Guidelines for Church of England schools wishing to convert to academy status in the Diocese of Hereford.
Following the publication in September 2023 of the revised the Church of England 'Model Articles of Association' the Hereford Diocesan Board of Education (HDBE) have revised and published their strategy for Church of England schools wishing to convert to academy status in the Diocese of Hereford.
Please find below links to this document, along with HDBE academisation guidelines and application for conditional consent which are available for governing boards of church schools in the Hereford Diocese to support their academisation discussions:
- Memorandum between the DfE and the National Society
- Hereford DBE Hereford Diocesan Board of Education Flourishing Trusts Strategy
- Guidelines for Diocese of Hereford Church Schools as they plan to become part of a Multi-Academy Trust, in line with the DfE’s “Opportunity for All” Education Reform Act
- Academisation Governors Checklist For Initiating the Process May 24 Final v1
- Appendix 1: Application for Conditional Consent to Convert to a Multi Academy Trust January 2025 (for completion by the maintained school or stand-alone academy)
- Appendix 2: Application for Conditional Consent for a CofE school wthin the Diocese of Hereford to Convert to a Multi-Academy Trust (for completion by the Trust)
- Academisation Governors' Checklist September 2021
- Role Descriptor of An Academy Foundation Member
- Role Descriptor of An Academy Foundation Trustee
- Link to the DfE Academies Handbook
Updates will also be given at Diocesan Headteacher and Chair Briefing Sessions, with forthcoming dates detailed on our Training Events Page. Governing boards are encouraged to contact the Education Team with any questions regarding academisation.
For all church schools considering academy conversion, please contact the Diocesan Director of Education at