Training and Events Safeguarding Team
IMPORTANT - Word of Caution
The Ecclesiastical Insurance Group have made it clear that their insurance cover is ONLY valid where National Safeguarding Policy and Practice Guidance is being followed. In addition, the Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016, requires all clergy authorised to officiate; other relevant Church Officers (e.g. Church Wardens) and parochial church councils to have “due regard” to safeguarding policy and practice guidance issued by the House of Bishops. A duty to have due regard to guidance means that a person under that duty is not free to disregard it but is required to follow such guidance unless there are cogent reasons for not doing so.
Please note, the Church of England released in February 2020 a statement on what the "duty of care" means and consequences on this not being followed. Please read this link: Duty to “have due regard” to House of Bishops Safeguarding Guidance
The Archbishop’s Council funds a National Church of England Safeguarding Team. This is a team of expert safeguarding professionals based at Church House, in Westminster, London. One of the many functions of the National Safeguarding Team is to produce National Safeguarding Policy and Practice Guidance. This is done by extensive research and lengthy consultation with internal and external safeguarding experts. All Policy and Practice Guidance is regularly updated and reviewed. You can learn more about the National Safeguarding Team and their activities by accessing the Church of England website.
We, in Hereford Diocese, will always adhere strictly to all National Safeguarding Policy and Practice guidance. We will not seek to develop our own policy and practice guidance but may produce additional supplementary information leaflets and Pro-forma documents to assist in safeguarding activity.
You can find the National Safeguarding Policy and Practice Guidance on the Church of England Website.
Please find below a list of Dioscean and National Church Policies. To download a policy to your computer please click on the required policy.
- Baptism Consent of Parent Policy
- Code of Safer Working Practice Policy
- Dignity at Work Policy
- Parish Officers Fit & Proper Declaration Form
- Parish Safeguarding Handbook
- Promoting a Safer Church
- Recruitment of ex-offenders
- Responding SG concerns or allegations against Church Officers
- Responding to Safeguarding Concerns or Allegations that relate to Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults
- Responding to Serious Safeguarding Situations relating to Church Officers
- Responding well to Domestic Abuse
- Responding well to those who have been sexually abused
- Safeguarding Complaints Procedure
- Safeguarding Learning And Development Framework 2025
- Safer Environment and Activities
- Serious Incident Reporting to the Charity Commission FAQs
New Guidance on Reporting to the Charity Commission
- How to make a Safeguarding Serious Incident report to the Charity Commission – Practice Guidance (2019)
- Guidance for DBFs, PCCs and Religious Communities: Identifying and Reporting Safeguarding Serious Incidents to the Charity Commission (2019)
- Guidance for PCCs: Reporting non- safeguarding Serious Incidents to the Charity Commission (2019)
If you are struggling to access these documents, please contact any member of the Safeguarding Team