Support is available for clergy, churchwardens and others who manage and maintain historic church buildings.
The Crossing the Threshold Toolkit offers a step-by-step guide to managing a church project.
The Church of England's Churchcare website contains advice on everything from accessibility to zero carbon.
For more information and support please contact Lorna Theophilus, Church Building Support Officer.
Please explore the dropdown menus below for further resources and information.
Helpful organisations and sources of further information.
- Diocesan funding directory for grants for a variety of church projects
- Church Heritage Record for information on the heritage of church buildings and their contents.
- Parish Resources for a wealth of information on finances, buildings, administration and more.
- Construction Design and Management Regulations apply to all construction work. For information on the duties churches have as commercial clients.
- SPAB (The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings) who,have also produced a number of very helpful videos on maintaining church buildings.
- Caring for God’s Acre a charity that works nationally to support groups and individuals to investigate and care for burial grounds.
- Volunteers’ Project and Resources Toolkit an excellant resource from Lincoln Diocese including videos on using the Online Faculty Sytem, Project Management and fundraising.
- Historic England for advice on older and listed buildings.
- The Council for British Archaeology for a range of online archaelogical resources and databases.
- Amenity societies:
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- Heritage Gateway (where information on England's historic sites and buildings can be searched for, including archaeology and Historic England records and registers)
- Heritage Help (a resource provided by the National Amenities Societies to offer information and advice on matters related to the management and protection of local historic environments)
- RIBA Register of Architects Accredited in Building Conservation for conservation accredited architects
- RICS Building Conservation Accreditation Scheme for conservation accredited surveyors
- The Institute for Conservation (ICON) for accredited conservators, searchable by object, specialism and material
- Grant Finder is a database of funding and grants. A subscription is required.
- Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme for VAT relief for building work to listed churches
- Ecclesiastical Insurance's guidance, checklists and templates including templates for risk assessments
Commonly required guidance notes and advice