Parish News - October 2024 - Printable Newsletter
A downloadable and print-friendly newsletter to insert in parish magazines
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A downloadable and print-friendly newsletter to insert in parish magazines
Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - Wonderful Waxcaps
We’re three-quarters of the way through our Year of Faith, which seems like a good point to pause and reflect. Building on last year’s Year of Prayer, we’ve been encouraged throughout the year to develop our confidence in our faith, and in the fact that people are actually hungry to hear the stories of our faith and what it means to us.
Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - Ladybirds: Tiny Heroes in Polka-Dot Armour
A downloadable and print-friendly newsletter to insert in parish magazines
Yet history is certainly more than remembering dates, places and names, although if you are a child in school it might seem it is all about the Tudors! The book ‘1066 and All That’ and the TV show ‘Horrible Histories’ take a sideways glance at British history and in a humorous way tried to make it both memorable and fun.
Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - Goodbye to the Swifts
A downloadable and print-friendly newsletter to insert in parish magazines
Scripture tells us to pray for our leaders and respect those in authority. Deriding them on Facebook is wrong. Pray for their wisdom and that their hearts may be right and perhaps they will see the light and abandon the white socks manifesto.
Parish magazine content each month from the team at Caring for God's Acre - Here Be Dragons!