A spokesperson for Hereford Diocese said:
“We can confirm that following his return from Venice, on Tuesday 25 February, the Rt Revd Richard Jackson sought advice from NHS 111 and took the precautionary measure of self-isolating. Whilst Italian authorities have not reported any cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Venice at the time of his return from Italy and he did not visit any of the towns in Northern Italy affected by the virus, he and his wife Deborah have decided to remain in self-imposed isolation for the recommended 14 day period to avoid any risk. He will not be attending any meetings during this period.
“We confirm the 14-day self-isolation began on Tuesday 25 February. Bishop Richard and his wife Deborah, confirm they remain well and have not experienced any symptoms.
“We wish to thank him for the responsible, pragmatic and cautious approach he and Deborah have taken in playing their part in keeping both themselves and others safe especially during their move to the Diocese. They set an important example, recognising that over the coming weeks many more of us may need to self-isolate at home for a period to reduce this virus’s spread. We continue to keep them in our prayers.
“The UK Government advice to travellers from Italy and the other specified countries can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-information-for-the-public. Travellers who experience symptoms including a cough, fever, or shortness of breath are advised to follow the example of Bishop Richard and call NHS 111 for advice.”