Safeguarding Management & Strategic Oversight

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Training and Events Safeguarding Team

Diocesan Safeguarding Strategy & Action Plan

The Diocese has formulated a Safeguarding Strategy and a Safeguarding Action Plan. These are two in-depth documents setting out exactly what the Diocese needs to do to ensure all activities connected with the church are safe for both children and adults.

The Hereford Diocese Safeguarding Strategy explains the strategic objectives. It is reviewed and refreshed and presented to Diocesan Synod on a yearly basis.

The Hereford Diocese Safeguarding Action Plan details every element of safeguarding delivery and serves as the blueprint for all future activity and is updated regularly. It also provides an effective means by which to record the diocese progress. A copy of the Safeguarding Strategy is available upon request.

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel.

The Diocese has formed a Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel. This group’s membership consists of key personnel from within the Diocese and Cathedral; and both lay and clergy parish representatives (including Parish Safeguarding Officers). We are currently seeking to gain wider representation from all the key Statutory Partnership Agencies and other relevant charities. The working group meets quarterly and is led by an Independent Chair who has a background in safeguarding at a senior level. The working group’s role is to oversee all workstreams detailed within the Diocesan Safeguarding Strategy and Action Plan.

Safeguarding Complaints Procedure

The Diocese has a procedure for people to use if they wish to make a complaint about how a safeguarding issue has been handled.

The Bishop wants to support people who feel genuinely aggrieved to make a complaint and will ensure that all complaints are taken seriously and are handled fairly and promptly. All information about a complaint will be treated in the strictest confidence. Complaints should relate to the process followed, not to the original incident which gave rise to the allegation.

Diocesan Policies 

Dignity at Work - Working together to reduce incidents of bullying, harassment or unreasonable behaviour

To request these documents, please contact the Safeguarding Team


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