Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC)

Inspecting a Church Pew

Making changes to church, contents or grounds requires submission of a faculty application (a request for permission) to the Chancellor of the Diocese. The Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC), a body set up by Church of England legislation, is there to make recommendations to the Chancellor, and to advise the parish when changes are requested.

Faculties are then issued by the Chancellor or the Archdeacons, taking the DAC’s recommendations into account.

DAC members serve on a voluntary basis and are appointed by the Bishop's Council. The committee members include a range of specialists on architecture, liturgy, archaeology, engineering, and representatives from Local Authorities and Amenity Societies and the Archdeacons.

DAC Meetings

The meetings of the DAC are held every month, with the exception of August and December. All of this expertise is available to parishes at no charge.

If you are considering a faculty application or other permission, please speak to Stephen Challenger, DAC Secretary, in the first instance who will guide you through the process in the current situation. 


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