A number of support services are available including professional counselling. This is a fully confidential emotional and psychological help for clergy, their spouses and children over 16, ordinands, Readers, Readers in training, accredited lay workers, lay diocesan staff and diocesan employees.
You can read more in our Counselling Leaflet there is separate information to support clergy and their spouses in the event of marriage breakdown.
To contact the counsellor and access services please telephone Richard Lewis on 01547 510360
A full list of our counsellors and therapists is below including telephone numbers:
(All registered with a recognised professional body)
HerefordSue Anderson - 07729 241065 |
ShrewsburyGill Carding - 07885 367120 |
Monmouth and South HerefordshireHelen Dacey - 07815 809624 |
Llanfair Waterdine (Knighton)Richard Lewis - 01547 510360 |
Malvern WellsTim Marks - 07817 465213 |
Much WenlockAllan Walter - 07754 585362 |
The Sheldon Hub is an online community supporting those in ministry.
The Hub is a place for those in ministry to meet, share and support each other.
The Sheldon Hub is a safe place for people in ministry to share together. It is secure and free to use. It offers:
- an independent, supportive community
- a live directory of useful people and places
- a bank of trustworthy advice
You can find further useful information and other support services as follows:
- The clergy wellbeing information provides additional sources of support and advice.
- The Church of England has a comprehensive list of national resources and charities supporting clergy and their families on a range of areas including relationships, finance, vocations and health (physical and mental)
- We have two Bishop's Visitors whose specific responsibility is to support clergy spouses and partners where a marriage or partnership is breaking down or may be about to do so. We would always encourage you to talk with them in such circumstances but also recognise you may want some support before you take this step. If you want to speak in confidence with a Bishop's Visitor please email the Bishop's Chaplain.
There are several organisations offering clergy financial support and information. Do speak to your Archdeacon, contact the Bishop's Office or refer to the Clergy Handbook. Several small grants and discretionary funds can be accessed including:
- The Henry Smith Charity - Criteria for Grant Making
The purpose of the grant is to assist parochial clergy in financial need at a time of crisis or acute need, where this could be detrimental to their ministry. The need may arise from family circumstances (e.g. a family with children and only one income), unusual or emergency expenditure which strains family finances (e.g. illness, disability, expensive car repairs) or simply the need for a family holiday after a period of stress and exhaustion whether through personal issues or the challenge of ministering in difficult parishes.
Applications should be made to the Bishop or Archdeacons’ and is distributed by the Bishop
- The Queen Victoria Clergy Fund - Criteria for Grant Making
The purpose of the grant is to assist serving clergy in need, it does not include ordinands or retired clergy.
Applications should be made to the Bishop or Archdeacons’ and is distributed by the Bishop
- The Clergy Support Trust