Volunteers are the bedrock of community action. Each month, Church of England volunteers devote over 23 million hours across the country to community action over and above their normal church activities.
Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, enhance your CV and learn lifesaving skills. Learn more about volunteering with St John Ambulance.

When did you start this role?
What are the challenges and joys of the job?
The great joy is seeing young people from all sorts of backgrounds receiving a first-class training in first aid and growing as caring people, some of whom will enter the caring professions. The challenge is that COVID, social change and an increasing regulatory regime have made it much harder to do both this and offer adult “ambulance” services especially in more rural areas like ours.
Lastly how does your faith influence your role as Chaplain?
St John is explicitly part of a Christian foundation (the Order) but is also committed to welcoming and serving people of all faiths and none. I believe the Christian faith both offers a great foundation for caring and serving, and also requires us in the same breath to have open arms to those whose faith and background is different. My role gives me the opportunity to talk about both aspects, both in person and on our on-line helpline.
Contact Rt Revd David Thomson