Flowers for loved Ones this Easter at Burghill Church


As we emerge from lockdown, many churches are looking to support people in the local community who have lost a loved one or who are looking to remember loved ones. A group of church volunteers at St Mary’s Church, Burghill in Herefordshire are offering to clean and maintain the graves on behalf of families who are unable to visit the churchyard as an act of love and remembrance this Easter time.


The volunteers came up with the idea after making plans as they prepare for the spring tidy-up of the churchyard, a regular part of the church calendar.  The group have posted on their social media and placed a note in the local parish magazine offering to place flowers for Easter or any other anniversary on graves in an act of remembrance for those who are unable to come in person.


Max Jenman, a volunteer and churchwarden at St Mary’s Church said, "We know that many people visit the graves in our churchyard and leave tributes on the graves.  This has been quite a challenge during lockdown and many are still unable to travel far.  We are offering this service to bless people hoping, it brings some comfort to know that others are taking care of their loved ones’ resting place.” 


Rev Dr Phil Brown, Rector of The Burghill Benefice said: “Easter is a time when we rejoice in the resurrection and the message of hope offered through Jesus’ resurrection of the eternal life. This is an act of kindness to remember those who are no longer with us at a time when we are still unable to travel long distances”

Published on: 22nd March 2021
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