A Good Neighbour Scheme (GNS) can be set up in a way that responds to local need, is relatively cheap to set up and run and is about local communities providing support to local people. Not everyone can rely on friends or family to be on hand when the need for help arises. GNS can be a way of preventing a relatively small issue escalating and developing into a crisis but it’s also a way of supporting people following a difficult time, or crisis, to settle back into life with some support where it is needed.
We aim to support Good Neighbour Schemes in an ongoing way. We arrange an annual network meeting where Good Neighbour Scheme coordinators and volunteers can come together and get updated on different services and supports that are available to communities; offering an opportunity to learn from each other and share good practice. We can also offer a basic awareness-raising session on vulnerable adults and a Dementia Friends session for volunteers.
The Diocese of Hereford has, in partnership with Herefordshire Council, produced a step by step guide to setting up a Good Neighbour Scheme available.