‘We all need to make a complete, radical and honest audit of our lifestyles, their impact on the poor and on the planet, and to ask God to pinpoint where we should start making changes’ A Rocha UK co-founder Dave Bookless.
How can we live more responsibly? As we become more and more aware of the effect of our lifestyles on God’s creation and the lives of others around the world, this question is increasingly important to us both as individuals and church communities. Changing our personal lifestyles is essential if we’re to worship God with heart, soul, mind and strength – and love our neighbours as ourselves.
There are several tools available to help with an audit of your lifestyle and to identify steps for change, or to undertake this as a small group, or church community:
- Supported by Eco-Church the Creation Care Website allows you to sign up as a household or as a church and takes you through the steps of a lifestyle audit.
- The Great Collaboration portal was set up by the Herefordshire Green Network and provides simple guidance on actions you can take to reduce your carbon footprint.
- L is for Lifestyle - In this A-Z book, Ruth Valerio (Director at Tearfund) shows us how, by making small but significant changes to our lifestyle, we can learn the secret of a life that is both fair and simple.