
The diocese is divided into 12 deaneries, which is made up of 86 benefices and 344 parishes. Each deanery has a Synod chaired by the area dean and an elected lay chair. Contact details and a list of churches in each deanery are below:

  • Abbeydore (Rural Dean: Revd. Jane Rogers, Lay Co Chair: Bill Giles, Secretary: Bryony Francis, Treasurer: Nigel Sellar)
  • Bromyard (Acting Rural Dean: Revd. Steven Baggs, Lay Co Chair: Roger Wilkins, Secretary: Joan Marsden, Treasurer: Ted Parkes)
  • Hereford City (Rural Dean: The Very Revd. Sarah Brown, Lay Co Chair: Peter Maxwell, Secretary: Patsy Marson, Treasurer: Rosemary Lording)
  • Kington and Weobley (Rural Dean: Revd. Mike Kneen, Lay Co Chair: Vacant, Secretary: Ethel Joyce, Treasurer: Chris Smith)
  • Ledbury (Rural Dean: Revd. Preb. Chris Moore, Lay Co Chair: Kevin Hewison, Secretary: Jennifer Harrison, Treasurer: Vacant)
  • Leominster (Rural Dean: Revd. Mark Long, Lay Co Chair: Lydia Davies, Secretary: John Tyson, Treasurer: Rosemary Lording)
  • Ross & Archenfield (Rural Dean: Revd. Sheila Anthony, Lay Co Chair: Vacant, Secretary: Helen Foy, Treasurer: Paul Baker)

Ludlow Archdeaconry:

  • Clun Forest (Rural Dean: Revd Stephanie Fountain, Lay Co Chair: Andrew Wood, Secretary: Cathy Owen, Treasurer: Sally Currin)
  • Condover (Rural Dean: The Revd Chris Hargraves, Lay Co Chair: Vacant, Secretary: Vacant, Treasurer: Richard Rhodes)
  • Ludlow (Rural Dean: The Revd Ashley Buck, Lay Co Chair: Sadie Chalkley, Secretary: Julie Cook, Treasurer: Colin Weston)
  • Pontesbury (Rural Dean: The Revd Bill Rowell, Lay Co Chair: Susan Lockwood, Secretary: Ann Jones, Treasurer: Richard Jones)
  • Severn Borders (Rural Dean: The Revd Jeannetta Stokes, Assistant Rural Dean: The Rev Preb Dawn Taffinder, Lay Co Chair: Martin Elcock, Secretary: Julie Lewis, Treasurer: Steve Jones)


There are a number of governance rules which Deanery Synods must conform with.  These are the Church Representation and Ministers Measure 2019. The Measure states in Schedule 1:
26 (1) A diocesan synod must make rules for the deanery synods in the diocese.
(2) The rules must include provision—
(a) for the rural dean and a member of the house of laity of the deanery synod elected by that house to be the joint chairs; 
(b) for the joint chairs to decide between themselves who is to chair each meeting or particular items of business on the agenda; 
(c) for there to be a secretary;
(d) for a specified minimum number of meetings to be held in each year;
(e) for decisions to be taken by a majority of members present and voting, except where the rules require there to be a vote by houses; 
(f) for there to be a standing committee, the membership and functions of which are provided for by the rules; 
(g) for a report of the deanery synod's proceedings to be given to every PCC in the deanery. 
(3) The rules may include provision for such other matters consistent with the provision required by paragraph (2) as the diocesan synod decides.

In Hereford Diocese the minimum number of meetings under 26(2)(d) is two a year.

Click here for a copy of the Deanery Synod Rules for Constitution which includes:
36. The Standing Committee shall not later than 31st July in each year submit to the synod-.  
(a) A report and audited or independently examined accounts for the preceding financial year;  
(b) A statement showing the estimated expenditure of the synod during the next financial year;  
(c) Proposals for raising the income required to meet such expenditure.

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