Princess Margaret's Tree

Acer platanoides - Norway maple, a vigorous deciduous tree, leaves 5-lobed, turning bright yellow, orange or brown in autumn. Scented yellow flowers in conspicuous clusters on bare branches.  Planted by Princess Margaret in 1982. This tree is resented by the current residents of the Palace as it is far too big for its position and shades all the light from the climbing roses on the back wall, meaning that they fail to flower well. However, because the garden is listed and a tree officer in the council has to be consulted about every arboreal decision and because of its royal connections, this very mediocre tree looks to be safe from the chop. Over the years many important visitors have been invited to plant a tree in the garden (Queen Elizabeth in 1979, Princess Margaret, George Carey to name a few) but sadly this results in a lot of dry shade which is a challenge to any gardener.


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