Medieval Bishops

During the medieval period, the bishops of Hereford may have owned as many as 24 manors by which they funded the work of the diocese (Ross, Upton Bishop, Ledbury, Eastnor, Brosbury, Colwall, Cradley, Bishop’s Frome, Bromyard, Whitbourne, Grendeon Bishop, Eaton Bishop, Hampton Bishop, Shelwick, Tupsley, Stretton Sugwas which was the site of an earlier bishop’s house. There were also manors outside the diocese in Prestbury, Glos and Dorset. In 1209 a “handsome stone house moated about” was built to defend against the Welsh at Bishop’s castle)

1234 -1239 Bishop Ralph do Maidstone - acquired a property in London leading to London Bridge in Fish Street costing £140 called Monthalt House

By the time of BishopCharleton (1327 - 1344), The Palace is mentioned as having stables, an oxhouse, a cowhouse, a pigsty, 3 barns, a dairy, a granary, a chamber for squires and clerks, a kitchen, a Larder, a brewhouse, cellar and chambers for the bishop.

However, by 1349, the Black Death in Herefordshire killed 46% of the clergy.

1356 the Dean and Chapter agreed that the Bishop’s manors should be reduced to only 6: Bishop’s Castle, Bosbury, London, Prestbury, Sugwas and Whitbourne.

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