We are all called to a relationship with God and be the change in the world - prayer is a crucial part of our hearing God and living out our Christian faith. Prayer helps us grow closer to God. Prayer makes a difference and enables us to grow in love, generosity and wisdom.
Prayer changes lives!
Learning how to pray is easier than you think. Talk to other Christians, you local vicar or visit the Church of England online, which offers some helpful suggestions.
There are many opportunities for exploring prayer and your own spiritual growth that are available within and beyond our Diocese, ranging from exploring prayer to training in particular ministries to help others grow spiritually.
Our Diocesan Prayer Diary is published every quarter and offers prayers of intercession and daily prayer for our diocese. The editor is Rev Bill Rowell. If you have things that you would like included in the diary as a focus for prayer please submit them to Bill via email
You can download our most recent prayer diary below to help you grow or visit our homepage for daily prayer updates.
- Daily Prayers: January - March 2025
- Daily Prayers: April - June 2025
- Daily Prayer from the Church of England
Please check out our ideas guide for churches and communities
We also have 4 booklets available to support prayer patterns:
- At home prayer points for our 24/7 Prayer Room
- Prayer guide for Churches
- Prayer guide for the Community
- Prayer guide for personal patterns of prayer
Ascension Day prayer walk Resources:
Pathways in Prayer Resource Sheet - Reverend Canon Andrew Mayes
Download 'Don't Burst Our Bubble Guide'
We also have developed a pack of prayer resources that church leaders or schools can use to help explore prayer. There are lots of similar activities and online training available from Prayer Spaces in Schools.
Additional Resources
Approaches to Prayer - There are plenty of ways to try prayer
Praying in Colour - Using doodles and colouring to enable your prayer.
Sacred Space - Offers a daily prayer and reflection based on a piece of scripture reading for the day
24-7 Prayer - An Initiative to encourage prayer through Prayer Rooms and offering Prayer Resources
Thy Kingdom Come - The Archbishop’s initiative to encourage prayer and praying for people to grow in knowing God
The Upper Prayer Room - Intercessory prayer ministry offered
Weekly Audio Prayer - our weekly audio prayer is available from our YouTube channel, please subscribe to listen
Daily Hope - a National Prayer Line offers a daily prayer and Bible reading 24 hours a day x 7 days 365 days a year, freephone: 0800 804 8044