Hereford Diocesan Board of Education
The Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) is a statutory body with responsibilities for all 78 church schools in the diocese. The DBE Measure is the legislation that details the specific responsibilities and how members are elected. The Education Team are the officers who work under the direction of the DBE.
Diocesan Boards of Education Measure - Hereford Scheme
The Archbishops’ Council hereby certifies for the purposes of section 23(1) of the Diocesan Boards of Education Measure 2021 that: a) the first scheme under section 3 of that Measure in relation to the Diocese of Hereford will come into operation on 1 January 2022, and b) section 3(10) of, and Schedule 2 to, that Measure (which deal with the governance of the Diocesan Board of Education) will come into force in relation to the Diocese on that date.
Designation of Board of Finance
2. (1) The Diocesan Synod designates the DBE for the Diocese the Board of Finance for the Diocese known as Hereford.
2. (2) The Board of Finance is registered in the Register of Charities with the number 249685 and is registered in the Register of companies with the number 144467.
Diocesan Board of Education (DBE)
The Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) is responsible to the Diocesan Synod to promote or assist in the promotion within the Diocese education which is consistent with the faith and practice of the Church of England.
The DBE must, as required by section 2(1) of the Diocesan Board of Education Measure:
(a) promote or assist in the promotion of education in the Diocese that is consistent with the faith and practice of the Church of England;
(b) promote or assist in the promotion of religious education and religious worship in schools in the Diocese;
(c) promote or assist in the promotion of church schools in the Diocese;
(d) promote cooperation between itself and other persons concerned with education in the Diocese.
Membership of the Hereford DBE will be no more than 15. This includes the Bishop of Hereford, no more than 11 members appointed by the Bishop in consultation with the Bishop's Council and up to 3 co-opted members by the DBE. All members serve a term of office of 3 years, apart from the Bishop, who has ex officio status.
The current members of the DBE (appointed in January 2025) are:
- Rt Rev Richard Jackson, Bishop of Hereford (ex officio)
- Venerable Fiona Gibson, Archdeacon of Ludlow (Chair of the Board)
- Rev Mark Long
- Rev Lynda Lilley
- Mr Stephen Matthews
- Mrs Claire McKeown
- Mrs Marion Shuttleworth
- Mrs Sally Compson-Lea
- Mr David Willis
- Mr Tom Williams
- Mr Ben Caldicott
An updated register of interests will be published shortly.
Memorandum of Understanding between the DfE and the National Society.
This formal agreement jointly developed by the DfE and the National Society, provides legal guidance to the DBE concerning church schools.
Memorandum of Understanding between the DfE and the National Society
DBE Vision
The Diocese Board of Education are guided by a strong vision for education across the 78 church school in our family. Please see our DBE vision for more information.